Question matrix
By: Richard C. Gallon

Male tarantulas:
How do I know if a male is mature? FIND
 When is a mature male ready to mate? FIND

Female tarantulas:
 How do you know if a female is receptive to the male? FIND
 Can I feed a female who has got an egg sac? FIND
 When are the spiderlings ready to remove? FIND

Egg sacs:

 What does an egg sac look like? FIND
 How long will an egg sac take to ‘hatch’? FIND


 My spider is laying on its back. FIND
 My spider is not feeding anymore. FIND
 My spider is clinging to the side of the tank and will not use its retreat. FIND
 My spider kicked its back legs over its abdomen. FIND
 My arboreal spider has squirted a jet of liquid out of its rear end. FIND
 My spider made a hissing sound. FIND


 My spider is moulting, but hasn’t moved for ages. FIND
 My spider has completed its moult, but the old skin is still stuck to the abdomen. FIND
 My spider is definitely stuck in its moult. FIND


 How often should I feed my adult tarantula? FIND
 How often should I feed my spiderlings? FIND
 What can I feed to my spiders? FIND

The substrate in my tarantula tank is mouldy. FIND                                  
 My tank is full of small black flies. FIND                                  
 My tank is full of mites. FIND                               
 My spider has mites on it. FIND

 How do I stop condensation forming on the front of the glass? FIND                                 
 My tank smells of rotting meat. FIND


 My spider is bleeding clear fluid. FIND
 My spider is missing a limb, fang or spinneret. FIND
 My spider’s abdomen has got a bald patch. FIND