European report
By Carl Portman

Spring arrives in Europe and spider enthusiasts everywhere emerge from the long dark winter to meet friends and talk about spiders. I have already attended a couple of shows and enjoyed seeing folks from all around the globe. The talk on the street is about Poecilotheria metallica and everyone is wondering where to get hold of such a specimen. When asked, I always reply…’not for a while yet’ Get a photograph and pin it on your wall instead!

I have seen a rare spider though. Poecilotheria miranda was on sale at a well known show…for 100 Euros per spiderling. Now you would have to really be keen to pay that much money out, but each to their own.

There is a buzz about the British Tarantula Society Exhibition over here. Traders and visitors alike look forward very much to visiting Britain for our premiere spider show. That’s what makes our hobby so special. People from far and wide meet and engage in conversation about our chosen subject without barriers, without prejudice. As long as we all remain together the hobby can only go from strength to strength.

With luck, the BTS membership will increase as word continues to spread about our aims and objectives. Talking of luck, I would like to leave you with a lovely little verse, which a lady called Liselotte Erlanger Glozer learned as a child in Bavaria in the early 1920’s. It is related to having good luck…or not!

Spinne am Morgen
Bringt Kummer und Sorgen
Spinne am Nachmittag
Bringt Freude am dritten Tag
Spinne am Abend
Erquickend und labend

The non-rhyming translation is:

Spider in the morning
Brings grief and sorrow
Spider in the afternoon
Brings joy on the third day
Spider in the evening
Refreshes and nourishes

I would like to wish you all good luck for the rest of this year in your quest to find the spiders you want. See you around.