By Angela Hale

As our members are aware it is part of the BTS constitution not to publish the names and addresses of our members.
We are often asked the reasons for this and the answer has always been that the majority of our members wish to remain anonymous. However as our society grows I am often asked to put people in touch with each other, particularly those in the same area as themselves.

In an effort to do this I have devised  an idea that will allow those members, that wish, to contact each other. I have designed a form that will be put out with this journal. It is simple form that asks if you wish your name and address to be passed on to like minded people in your area, or similarly if you would like the names and addresses of those in your area, you should fill it in return it to me.

Remember I will only pass on the the addresses of those that wish me to do so. I do hold a full membership list but I cannot reveal any information on those members that do not wish to participate in the scheme.

This is how this notice appeared in the BTS Journal (Autumn 1998 vol. 14 no.2 ), along with a form and of course Angela's address, I have not published her address, as I have, as yet, not thought of a way to incorporate this great idea into the BTS web but however if you are a member you would have received your form along with your last journal so you should know the full address. If you would like to join this scheme fill in the form and send it off soon. I have spoken to Angie and she informs me that the scheme has exceeded her expectations and has received a big response not just from the UK but European and world-wide members being very keen indeed. Its a great idea as some tarantula keepers thinking their the only ones in the area suddenly may find out there's 20 like minded people living very close indeed and can start a small local club that meets in a pub or clubhouse once a month or so to swap spiders, males and and experiences. Watch this page for more details soon. You do have to be a paid up member of the society and supply your membership number on the form to receive the names and addresses of those near you and of course the relevant members must be part of the scheme as we will not give out details of those members wishing to remain anonymous
