BTS Journal

Submissions to the BTS Journal

Article submission – The BTS Journal publishes articles on all aspects of arachnoculture (keeping and breeding arachnids), with a particular emphasis on tarantula spiders. Articles concerning field observations are also encouraged, as are scientific papers covering theraphosid taxonomy and behaviour. Taxonomic papers are peer-group reviewed prior to publication and the Editor reserves the right to decline weak manuscripts. Articles may take time to appear in print.

Authors are encouraged to submit their articles and letters to the Editor as word processed text, either on computer disk or sent as an e-mail attachment. Hand written articles sent on paper are also acceptable, but will take longer to appear in print. Images should be submitted at a resolution of at least 300 dpi (tiff, jpeg or bmp in order of preference). Alternatively, authors can post photographs or line-art to the Editor. Submissions are not normally returned to the authors unless prior arrangements are made.

Disclaimer – The views and opinions expressed in this journal do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or other members of the BTS committee. The BTS is not responsible for the accuracy and content of advertisements.


EDITOR: Peter Kirk, Chairman